"Hangman" by Peter Pankas Jane at the Finkenbach Festival 2012. Special thanks to Klaus Walz and the Band for the permission to record the show and to upload this song here
I tip my hat to Hellmut Hattler for allowing me to show their trip-hop-hip happening gig at this year´s fabulous Finkenbach Festival (it will be a saturday night we will remember for a very long time...
Ax Genrich & band, with Mario Fandani bass and my Karmic Society friend Steff Bollack on drums - recorded live at Finkenback´s "Kleine woodstock im Odenwald" festival frida...
Principalement instrumental, le répertoire du trio allemand comporte parfois quelque chansons comme celle-ci au titre éponyme de son 4è album sorti en 1975.
Helmut HATTLER : Basse, Voix (Bass, Voc...