film of faust who were first up on friday at finkenbach festival, they made a fine start for the festive feeling. posted with faust´s permission.
2,509 Aufrufefilm of faust, first up at finkenbach festival on friday, ...effin´ fantastic! posted with faust´s permission.
2,521 Aufrufefilm of faust who were first up and made a fine start to the finkenbach festival on friday, ...but when they began to play "it´s a rainy day" ironically it started to rain very heav...
2,572 Aufrufeeinfach verblüffend und bewundernswert: wenn Rockmusiker jenseits der Altersgrenze noch immer ihr Ding machen, auf der Bühne! Bei Sportlern undenkbar, bei Musikern: geht doch! So wie hier der Sänge...
2,475 AufrufeSimeon Soul Charger Finkenbach Festival 2014-08-17
2,526 AufrufeThe Pretty Things - Honey I Need at Finkenbach Festival 16. August 2014 Line-Up: Phil May: vocals Dick Taylor: guitar, vocals Frank Holland: guitar, vocals George Perez: bass, vocals Jack Greenwood:...
2,402 AufrufeThe Pretty Things - Midnight To Six at Finkenbach Festival 16. August 2014 Line-Up: Phil May: vocals Dick Taylor: guitar, vocals Frank Holland: guitar, vocals George Perez: bass, vocals Jack Greenwoo...
2,497 AufrufeThe Pretty Things at Finkenbach Festival - Rosalyn 16. August 2014 Line-Up: Phil May: vocals Dick Taylor: guitar, vocals Frank Holland: guitar, vocals George Perez: bass, vocals Jack Greenwood: drum...
2,413 AufrufeErrorhead - Scream (People Like Us) Live at Finkenbach Festival 16. August 2014
2,221 AufrufeErrorhead - Little Wing Live at Finkenbach Festival 16. August 2014
2,455 Aufrufelive @ Finkenbach 08/2014 Marc Walser (guitars, vocals) Arie Bertogg (bass) Dave Zurbuchen (drums, vocals) Winnie Rimbach-Sator (keyboards) cameras: Thierry Miguet, Ruben Treiber, Joerg Reinicke, S...
2,494 Aufrufe