Rest In Peace richard pierce "Richie" Havens.. ☮
(January 21, 1941 - April 22, 2013)
More than 3 months ago I decided to take a look into the woodstock history and music. I was in...
Ax Genrich & band, with Mario Fandani bass and Karmic Society friend Steff Bollack drums, live at Finkenback´s "Kleine woodstock im Odenwald" festival friday 17th. August. r...
Provided to YouTube by Believe SAS
Kraan Arabia (Live) · Kraan
Live at Finkenbach Festival 2005
℗ Bassball Recordings
Released on: 2007-03-22
Composer: Hellmut Hattler
Composer: Pet...
Arie BERTOGG (Basse), Marc WALSER (Guitares & Chant) et Dave ZURBUCHEN (Batterie & Voix) composent ce trio de Rock-Blues psychédélique, originaire de Zürich, qui a sorti son 1er alb...