Special Guests: Mani Neumeier Drums Roland Schaeffer Sax Filmed by Wolfgang Leptien Recorded by Harald Oehlschläger Edited by Ax Genrich Live Sound Günther Theis Ax Genrich Guit.Voc. Mario Fadani Ba...
the opening piece of Space Debris´s sunny Saturday afternoon set at Finkenbach 18/08/12
put into tubular orbit with the go-ahead direct from my meteor music making mates
*working title until i get th...
Reserva disponible del CD+DVD "Live In Woodstock Festival" en EL TRIDENTE : http://www.eltridente.es/477_ska-p
Artista: SKA-P
Canción: Cannabis
Álbum: Live In Woodstock Festival (...
Santana - Soul Sacrifice (Album 1969)
Woodstock Music Festival 1969, New York USA
Carlos Santana - Guitar
Gregg Rolie - Keyboards, Organ
David Brown - Bass
Michael Shrieve - Drums
Michael Carab...
"Daytime" by Peter Pankas Jane at the Finkenbach Festival 2012. Special thanks to Klaus Walz and the Band for the permission to record the show and to upload this song here
Ax Genrich & band, with Mario Fandani bass and my Karmic Society friend Steff Bollack on drums - recorded live at Finkenback´s "Kleine woodstock im Odenwald" festival frida...
Man with the song:
I always thought the walrus
was protected
filmed and broadcasted by
Underground Live TV
recorded live at the
Finkenbach Festival 25.7.2003
3 Tage kostenlos campen & 2 Tage lang 10 Rockbands (+2 Boni-Bands) like "Woodstock im Odenwald" genießen!
Tickets: http://tickets.finkenbach24.de